New Hampshire Police Athletic League (PAL)
How to start a PAL Chapter

How to start a PAL Chapter

Step 1:

Contact your local police department and speak to the police chief to gauge interest in PAL program and goals.

Obtain letter of engagement from police chief. Examples of the letter are available online or call (704) 909-2841.

Step 2:

Recruit 5 directors/board members that act as community stakeholders and 1 incorporator (can be yourself, the person who is starting the PAL)

Write conflict of interest policy and each board member needs to submit this prior to starting.

Step 3:

Establish non-profit status in the state of New Hampshire through Form NP-1 (RSA 292:2)

Write Articles of Incorporation (federal and state), dissolution policy, and by-laws. These will be needed later on to submit to the IRS and state. Keep scanned signed copies of these documents on hand. Select the fiscal year for the organization.

Step 4:

Apply for Employer Identification Number (EIN) at

Or Form SS-4 ( and mail it in.

Step 5:

Conduct first Board of Directors meeting. Establish activities of organization and committees.

Create independent financial accounts: banks, credit cards, PayPal, etc.

Create online platform: Twitter, a website, Google Maps or Yelp, Instagram, and Facebook

Step 6:

Register for Charitable Solicitation (Fundraising) through Form NHCT-1

*You can do this online at

Step 7:

By the 27th month of being legally formed, file Form 1023 to get tax exemption under 501(c)(3). If your PAL makes less than $50,000 of revenue in the first year then you may qualify for Form 1023-EZ.

Step 8:

Submit EIN, 501(c)(3) form, by-laws, and scanned letter of engagement to National PAL.

The online instructions are here:

The webpage for starting a chapter:

Step 9:

Every year complete Form 990, an informational tax form. Or if revenue is below $25,000, you can substitute with Form NHCT-2.

It is also in the best interest of the PAL to complete an internal audit every couple of years or after reaching more then $500,000 of revenue. These have to be in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principals.

Registration with NH Secretary of State must be renewed every five years.

See this PDF for more information: